Today's Lesson for Engineers is 'Sand in the Gears'
A couple of Danish Architects have developed a tent for use on Luna and/or Mars. LUNARK is a very interesting concept that folds up into a compact package that is covered in solar panels, and, using cutting edge origami technology, expands 560 percent to become an airtight habitat with an algae based air recycling system!
The two Nordic nerds recently went LARPING around northern Greenland and set up their airtight tent on a volcanic outcropping that is very close in temperature and terrain to the temperate zones on Mars. They then set it up, sealed the thing, and because they are awesome and take their design they entered and exited thru the airlock and went outside in self contained breathing apparatus. They also did a fair number of actual experiments relating to the project.
The two month experiment was a success which encountered no major issues except for the polar bear which is a matter of limited concern on the moon or Mars. The success of the air recycling system is quite a feat.
However, I have 2 concerns.
The airlock appears to be the toilet/shower, which makes sense, and is an inspired solution on one level as the airlock needs to be a decontamination station. However, this could lead to issues if one is outside, running low on air, while someone is in the airlock having a disagreement with their algae burgers.
The other concern is more integral, so much so that I think I should ask one of the Brickmuppet's Crack Team of Science Babes for a second opinion before I use the deep width and breadth of insight that a history degree gives someone commenting on architectural and engineering matters...
"Oh God, what Moon dust will do to that."
YES! All those expanding joints look like they are inherently exposed to dust. This is not an issue on the Greenland icecap, but lunar dust is ubiquitous, abrasive and electrically charged, Martian dust is less abrasive but it is also ubiquitous and corrosive and we've seen on Earth what can happen to relatively sealed mechanisms like firearms actions when exposed to sand, even good ones.
Maybe put the whole thing in a big bag?
Despite being called a 'tent' by the Daily Mail, this thing is not man-portable. It weighs 1738 kilos (3400 pounds) (which is a remarkable achievement for a habitat capable of sustaining 2 people with food water and air for 2 months). 1738 kilos translates roughly to 290 kilos on the Moon and 660 kilos on Mars. This is more of a camper.
None of this is to detract from the skill and verve of the inventors. It's a prototype, they are testing it in the field and braving polar bears to do it.
So Kudos to SAGA Space Architects! Any bugs can be worked out and as fundamental an issue as the dust problem seems to be, there are probably mitigation measures that can be a big bag. We've seen with Elon Musk's cornucopia of 'splodies that the way to get to space is to test things to destruction and find out what needs to be fixed. They are doing that with this and have done their math so well that they haven't had a failure yet.
I have visions of astronauts on the Moon or Mars fighting some articulated joint while one of them puzzles over an elaborate assembly manual. Also, they only have *exactly* the number of screws needed to finish, and one of them is lost under a rock somewhere.
Posted by: madrocketsci at Tue Dec 29 13:10:20 2020 (hRoyQ)
Silly thing. The TransHab module was invented specifically as a lunar base module back in the 90s in part (IIRC) to avoid the dust issue. As an inflatable structure it had no joints that could be infiltrated. Plus its internal volume when inflated would be much larger than this thing, so what's the point?
Posted by: jabrwok at Tue Dec 29 20:08:57 2020 (T4WaI)
Citations for Civilizations End
Rod Dreher has an article current events, current trends, and future prospects that is eye opening and a bit scary. Unless you are very easily offended, I urge you to read the whole thing.
Dreher is a good and insightful writer, but he's a doctrinare conservative and a bit of a stick-in the-mud generally opposed to any whimsy on principle, so it is quite unexpected that he allowed a Naruto reference in his addenda.
I think the other part of this is this: We don't breed in captivity. What we've had for the past few decades isn't freedom. Our societies have become regimented, and the demands of work on our time have increased to the point where very few of us have time for a life.
Posted by: madrocketsci at Tue Dec 29 11:32:42 2020 (hRoyQ)
Seriously, there was speculation on both sides of the political divide that whoever set off the massive explosion in Nashville was motivated by politics. The theories have included, but not been limited to, Trump voters, Bernie Bros, BLM, Antifa, Anti Government Militias on the Libertarian Right, Anti Government Militias on the Anarchist Left, people upset at AT&T, or a false flag operation by one of the above to frame another of the above, and all of the aforementioned scenarios were presented as a long stride down the dark path towards civil war.
Hence, the lack of coverage here* as there was not merely a lack of knowledge, but the actual opposite of knowledge. The information beyond the facts of the blast itself actually went into in the negative as the day progressed.
And we fully acknowledge that said lead might itself might be bullshit**, but it appears the police have a suspect.
This bit of Cray-Cray is far outside the realm of politics, and more importantly, seems, while very fringe, to be bi-partisan, nay, international stupidity.
So, on this one issue, we can all come together in a brief moment of national unity, the likes of which is normally reserved for furries.
The 5G thing has become a core QAnon and Q-adjacent belief, which means it has insinuated itself in a *certain* segment of right-wing voters. It's the next line-item under believing the military is about to intervene in the "stolen" election, now that Obama and Hillary have been arrested and replaced with look-alikes, Biden wears a house-arrest tag, and the FBI has seized/will be seizing Dominion voting machines to stop/start the Great Reset led by JFK, Jr.
Posted by: Ben at Mon Dec 28 02:11:30 2020 (9Wcjc)
I've seen the COVID / 5G thing mentioned by whackaloons on the left too. It's a useful indicator, kind of like adjacent red and yellow stripes on a snake, it means "DANGER!". This is distinct from some wacky notions believed by Q and even some weird things disseminated on the left, which are theoretically reasonable notions carried to an extreme.
For example: There probably is a group of powerful people involved in child trafficking. Jeffery Epstein* was selling or pimping those girls to somebody, and they were people of means....However, the notion that the kids are being held in the server room of a Pizza joint before being locked in armoires and shipped by Wayfair is, frankly, whacked. 5-G causing COVID is JUST insane, all stop the end. When one hears this theory and it's not in jest or mockery, there is no question of "Is he/she one of the crazy ones?" only "YES. RUN!" because the base premise is a hard break from reality.
This is useful to find out early.
*Who did not kill himself.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Dec 28 03:32:24 2020 (5iiQK)
A mad bomber what bombs at midnight was the best explanation here, given all the weird factors surrounding the event.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tue Dec 29 01:09:10 2020 (PiXy!)
Practicality or fun? I mean, if you were really practical, you'd be crunching through the snow off the side of the driveway. But the skating delivery was very fun!
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Sat Dec 26 11:20:08 2020 (sF8WE)
Yeah, I had an experience like that. I walked along an iced over path in a forest and some gopniks wanted to take off my fancy imported jacket. I caught a kick, but other guy did me a hook to the face. That threw me off, but I hit a tree trunk, which arrested my fall. I turned and ran along the path in the snow. The assailants were slipping on the ice and could not catch me. When I got home, I wrung the blood out of my scarf and patted down the blood spots with ice water (do not use hot water for blood removal).
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Sat Dec 26 14:01:24 2020 (LZ7Bg)
People appreciate you more than you know.
Might want to check out the "Bob and Brad" channel on YouTube, etc. They're physical therapists from MN who belong to a school of thought that patients should learn simple exercises and practices to do at home, that will relieve pain and help muscle strain. (Obviously I should have brought this up earlier....) They have stuff about rotator cuffs.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Sat Dec 26 11:23:55 2020 (sF8WE)
Mr. Kellgren: QUICK! Get it to Market Before January 20th!
I don't know if this is a joke or not.
It's not on KelTec's website as I type this.
But it seems to be a new development, and given that it's allegedly a Kel-Tec product, it's a more plausible notion than it would otherwise be from less whimsical manufacturers.
But if this is real, and there's really a pistol coming out in 5.7x28 NATO, one that uses the 50 shot P-90 mags, well, I'm afraid my cashflow is likely to take a hit.
Posted by: J Greely at Wed Dec 23 18:01:57 2020 (ZlYZd)
That does look like a lot of fun. I might have to get the .22lr version just to be able to use it for the local rimfire challenge meets. The 5.7x28 version seems like a good way to defend yourself from the zombie mink apocalypse that is no doubt scheduled for 2021....
Posted by: David at Wed Dec 23 20:03:27 2020 (jdGUg)
I actually wondered if something like this, albeit with a smaller magazine, might be a better PDW than the P-90. Although the P-90 is compact, it is still too large to fit into a hip holster, and so would be getting in your way much too often. A good PDW, in my opinion, is one that you can always have with you need it, and not something that you stored somewhere else because it was too bulky to carry around all the time.
Posted by: Siergen at Thu Dec 24 13:07:14 2020 (jIT9h)
4@Siergen P-90 magazines are available, and in a military context are in the NATO logistics system
Brügger & Thomet makes something like what you're talking about, it also comes, in less compact form, in full auto. The Coast Guard and Army have kits for their Sigs that do much the same thing.
The magazine for the P-90 is about 10 inches long so this KEL-TEC beast is probably about 13-14 inches long. Assuming good balance (and its balance is going to shift a lot as the magazine empties), that is probably at the very limit of a wieldable pistol, but it also means that a folding or retractable stock will have sufficient length of pull to be practical, though such a feature would make it an SBR in the U.S. civilian market.
All of this assumes that this picture is not a joke by someone on 4-chan's /k/ board.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thu Dec 24 13:39:54 2020 (5iiQK)
Kel-Tec does not currently have a P50 pistol but they did trademark the name P50 in February.
Posted by: Rick C at Thu Dec 24 23:29:52 2020 (eqaFC)
They should've adapted RDB for P90 magazines instead of this.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Fri Dec 25 00:42:57 2020 (LZ7Bg)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sun Jan 3 17:52:30 2021 (PiXy!)
I flipped through the "magazine" in a bookstore. Not a fan of the loading procedure for the P50. The interview with George Kellgren was okay, but omitted what I would've asked: why no update to P-3AT, etc.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Sun Jan 3 19:55:38 2021 (LZ7Bg)
Bad optics!
OTOH, remnants of the Empire outlasted the Republic by a 1000 years. And technically Making America Great Again isn't saying anything about Republic.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Sat Dec 19 01:11:21 2020 (LZ7Bg)
I doubt there is a single elected federal (or state) representative or member of any former, current, or incoming administration who does not believe
a) The Rubicon has been crossed and we're already in a Civil War
b) The Rubicon is TRYING to be crossed and we need to get rid of the people trying to stop it.
c) The Rubicon has yet to be crossed, and I'M THE ONE TO DO IT
d) Don't care; how can I profit from the current situation
And every single one of them supports their position by claiming everyone else WANTS to cross The Rubicon and THEY ARE THE ONES TO STOP IT.
Posted by: Ben at Sat Dec 19 12:25:23 2020 (9Wcjc)
The Ramifications of a Faux-Pas in Current Year
Monday morning, I was at work, and had been at work about 45 minutes, 2 of my kidney stones are about to leave and go explore the world, and they were particularly impatient that day. Well, 45 minutes into the shift I comitted a terrible Faux-Pas. I left my position and went to the bathroom, where I rather loudly vomited.
In the current environment, this is a dreadful faux-pas.
So I got sent home and naturally could not come back until I got a certification of cleanliness from a state approved source.
The last time this happened I was out for nearly two weeks, because the test took 4 days to schedule and 6 days to get results from. The current estimate is longer, however, there are a limited number of 15 minute test facilities in Virginia, and I was able to secure an appointment with one of them for Thursday. The assumption being that the aggregate time lost would be less.
There was a little trepidation on my part since I have been under the weather this week since Monday, and my symptoms have included a splitting headache (but no fever to speak of).
Thursday I got up and drove across bridges, through tunnels and far away to make my appointment which was 40 minutes late because they are swamped. I got my most unpleasant test and waited for my 15 minute results which were ready in an hour.
The phone call said I was free of any association with that Chi-Com harridan Coronachan.
"My bat soup brings all the boys to the yard."
I noted on my phone the email that had the printed version of my cleanliness certification, and went home, did some laundry, slept, watched some Twitcheranians play Cyberpunk 2077 and called work to get the email I needed to mail the results to.
When I opened the email, I got this:
And I was all like:
And no I couldn't go to work, which was particularly annoying since every day I miss this time of year is a ridiculous amount of money lost.
Today, I spent almost two hours on the phone trying to resolve this matter and dealing with the downside of patient privacy laws....but I finally got a certification of cleanliness and can start working again tomorrow.
I suspect my illness was a reaction to the pain and having just gotten a flu shot since I don't want to be tag-teamed by CoronaChan and Influ-Enza.
I've had three days off now, which I've mostly spent in bed and doing some house cleaning, and making notes and outlines for posts that get overtaken by events.
Eh, good and bad. On the plus side I'm about to get a fair amount of time off after spending the last year getting (simultaneously) two major ($M) transformational tech projects off the ground and just started in implementation. On the minus the timing wasn't exactly my choice and I'll be spending a chunk of it looking for new employment as my position was moved to another state without me.
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Thu Dec 10 15:32:03 2020 (j9NNa)
I'm retiring at the end of the month. Being driven around the bend trying to finish up projects before leaving ("Why don't we add three more project goals and try to finish even earlier?"), and training other people in the software that I use. Getting no help from our IT:
Me: "hey IT, I need to get the software updated on our Training PC's."
"Hey guys, seriously, I need the software updated."
Second hand to one of the prospective students: "you just need it on your own system and can follow along via Teams."
Me: "Guys, this is in-person instruction in the classroom. It's hands-on stuff, and it needs to be in a controlled classroom environment."
Second hand again: "We'll push the update the morning of the class."
Me: "guys, didn't you just spend two hours yesterday trying to get it running bug-free on one student's computer, despite it being installed three weeks ago? Didn't it take a week to get it done last time, WITH vendor support?"
Posted by: Ubu at Fri Dec 11 06:13:55 2020 (UlsdO)
I am actually one of those people who have been doing pretty well despite the Wuhan flu. Work has been been handing out overtime and I have been hauling more pay home this year than ever. If anything, the lockdowns that will come if the likely scenario of ol' Joe taking office happens will just keep me busy at work.
But we live in 2020, when anything can and will happen.
Posted by: cxt217 at Fri Dec 11 23:26:50 2020 (4i7w0)
The first time I got kidney stones, my reaction after a bathroom break was basically Welp, I'm dying.
The second time I got kidney stones I instituted a police of always having a bottle of diet soda on my desk, which I'm lucky enough to be able to do working from home. Haven't had them bad since then.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sat Dec 12 22:03:02 2020 (PiXy!)
Currently offering a discount of 20% .We are wholesale suppliers, bulk exporters of Fresh Frozen Chicken Feet for sale. Our Frozen Chicken Feet for sale is of HALAL and our advanced production facilities are ISO certified.<a href=" ">Buy Wholesale Frozen Chicken Feet for sale</a> ,
Approximately 96% successful. Just that little 4% at the end. And the engines dying from a lack of fuel pressure. And the final one eating itself. But holy crap, that was AMAZING.
Really, that is a successful test. The hard part was everything BUT the landing.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Wed Dec 9 18:49:32 2020 (Bkp4m)
I don't speak any Chinese. I was once told that my pronunciation of "nihao" was lewd.
So I don't know if these two videos are the smoking gun of our murderer after discharging into our abdomen...or they are the equivalent of a Downfall video.
Many years ago there was an add put out by the Tea Party which featured a Chinese Professor in 2030 talking about the U.S. had fallen because it was decadent, corrupt and had spent itself into bankruptcy.
This set of videos is so close to that political ad, it is both terrifying, and cause for suspicion. It's just too on the nose. The big difference is, that the Tea Party ad assumed no real malice on the part of China, merely envisioning them coming in and picking up the pieces after an American collapse. This one on the other hand, well, take 18 minutes of your time.....
The vid, (which despite its garish title card doesn't mention Hunter much) is hosted by a channel called Inconvenient Truths, which I'm not familiar with, and has not vanished from YouTube as of this typing.
This is concerning to say the least, and it's inclusion in a streamed lecture indicates supreme confidence they are in charge, completely and an aberration like Trump will never happen again. (Or, bullshit, one of the two.)
This bears some scrutiny. An independant Chinese translation would be a good place to start. Perhaps someone can to go to Politics and Prose and try to track down that clerk, surely he's moved on after 5 years, but if he can be tracked down the veracity of the story might be verified.
We do know that China is doing many of the things mentioned in this video. The rust belt is testament to that. But the specific identification of 1992 to 2016 as China's happy time and that the one time a spanner got in their works was when someone not bought and paid for by Wall Street* got behind Resolute Desk confirms so many of my biases that I must rub my chin and squint skeptically.
UPDATE2: The video just got yeeted from You-Tube, but I'm hosting it on my Bitchute channel.
* Particularly interesting, because the professor doesn't claim that Trump was pure, but that his bad debts had resulted in bad blood between him and Wall Street.
A veteran of WW2 and Viet Nam he was a test pilot from 1945-1957 where he ran many of the most cutting edge aviation designs through their paces in an era when the envelope of performance was being pushed to the limit and learning was by doing and making mistakes.
Yeager is best known for the first piloted flight past mach one, but was awarded many honors including the, Air Force Distinguished Service Medal the Army Distinguished Service Medal, 2 Silver Stars, 2 Legion of Merit awards, 3 Distinguished Flying Crosses, a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.
After retirement as a Brigader General, he set several civilian aviation records, worked on the commission investigating the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger, acted as a technical advisor to Electronic Arts and was engaged in numerous educational initiatives. in 2012, on the 65th anniversary of his historic flight, he recreated it, in an F-15.
Passing away at 97, he lived a long, wondrous and fruitful life, but he was an American icon who will be sorely missed.
I went to Edwards to the 50th anniversary in 1999. Heard the sonic boom and saw Gen. Yeager taxi up and climb out of the F-15. Also, they let SR-71 make a low pass (subsonic, of course).
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Wed Dec 9 12:16:57 2020 (LZ7Bg)
79 Years Ago
One of the most frequently shared photos of the Pearl Harbor Attack is this one, which is sometimes idetified as the explosion of the battleship Arizona.
It is actually the destroyer Shaw (DD-373) suffering the explosion of her forward magazines.
Here is what she looked like after the raid.
Note that U.S.S. Shaw went on to be awarded 11 battle stars in the resulting war. She was decommissioned in October of 1945.
If you're interested in how that was possible, well, Drachinifel has three 30 min videos on the post-attack salvage operation.
If you're into naval history and not following Drachinifel, you are wrong.
Your "after" picture for USS Shaw is actually of USS Cassin and USS Downes, which were in drydock during the attack. A 250kg bomb went off between them causing severe damage and fires and eventually Downes fell off her keel blocks and leaned on Cassin.
The "Name That Mystery Ship" I did for the Shaw can be found here at this link. The attendant history writeup is at this link.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Mon Dec 7 14:51:00 2020 (Bkp4m)
Thanks for pointing out the error. It's been corrected.
For those confused, this is the picture that was initially the second one down.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Dec 7 15:09:11 2020 (5iiQK)
Posted by: Mauser at Thu Dec 3 18:58:24 2020 (Ix1l6)
Meanwhile, someone told my wife that UPS plans to suspend acceptance of parcels. They are piled up in offices, they aren't even loading them on trucks to send. Warehouses are over capacity.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Thu Dec 3 19:10:07 2020 (LZ7Bg)
For what it's worth I just received a package yesterday shipped from NYC via UPS. It was pretty much shipped on time.
Posted by: Rick C at Fri Dec 4 01:34:07 2020 (eqaFC)
He came from the direst and most hopeless poverty, served his country in Korea, went on to pursue an academic career and eventually became one of the most respected minds in America.
His books can be purchased here, they are worth it. Some of his wisdom can be gleaned here. We as a nation have suffered a loss that is hard to describe. A show he did for PBS can be found here and there is an interview with him here.
I've been seeing those 1" cubes in a lot of videos lately, I wonder where they come from?
There's also a 4" Tungsten cube that's been making the rounds of the GunTubers and others.
Posted by: Mauser at Mon Nov 30 00:10:11 2020 (Ix1l6)
Search for "density cubes"; they're all over Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc. I think they're for teaching ranged combat to homeschooled kids. :-)
Posted by: J Greely at Mon Nov 30 00:46:49 2020 (ZlYZd)
My mother works at a place called "The Institute for Physics of High Pressures", which is basically centered around a giant press. They were the first to make synthetic diamonds, long time ago. These days they're trying to create a metallic hydrogen. Basically scientists were so preoccupied with the question if they could, they forgot to ask if they should. Metal hydrogen is not a quantum state, so who cares? Maybe they should start a Youtube channel too.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Mon Nov 30 00:51:39 2020 (LZ7Bg)
A friend of mine, Rex S., is a leading seller of some kind of "model cube". He was a teacher in a high school and started it as a hobby after he had a brain cancer and became unable to teach due to seizures. He was selling all sorts of garbage, like miniature steam engines, polished stones, and geodes, until one day he sold these cubes to some industrial place. I think he makes them mostly out of tungsten.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Mon Nov 30 00:55:35 2020 (LZ7Bg)
I'm just sad that the earbuds didn't get tested too.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Mon Nov 30 07:56:45 2020 (PiXy!)
So, a very dangerous mutated strain of CoronaChan emerged in Danish mink farms a bit over a week ago. The Danish government ordered the culling of all the minks in the country. Rather than incinerate them, the buried the dead minks in a cemetery resulting the following, genuine 2020 headline...
The story is somewhat vague on certain crucial details. Are they ambulatory dead minks? Or just dead minks that floated up like corpses in a New Orleans graveyard?
I assume the latter, but it is 2020, it doesn't specifically SAY that the dead minks aren't walking, and the calls for calm are coming from some spokesperson at The Guardian.
Remember that .22 long rifle is probably the best round to have in a zombie apocalypse, the ammunition is as available as anything else is right now, is relatively cheap, and is very light and compact in comparison to other types of ammunition. 1000 rounds only weigh in at 8 pounds with 10 plastic ammo cases. .22 lacks in stopping power, but is still lethal and capable of bringing down animals one is likely to be able to realistically dress and eat on the run, like birds and squirrels. With zombies, shot placement (brain) rather than conventional stopping power is the key.
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